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16年01月29日 阅读:13757 来源: 诸任之原创

  作为全球三大质量奖之一的鲍德里奇质量奖旨于加强美国产业的竞争力和绩效水平,由美国第二十六届美国商务部长马尔科姆 鲍德里奇(Malcolm Baldrige)提出并以其命名的马尔科姆鲍 德里奇国家质量奖,由美国国会立法设立于1987年。在1998年扩展到教育机构和医疗护理组织。



  1. 质量是由顾客最终确定的

  2. 高层管理者需要创造一种清晰的质量价值观,将其融化在组织的日常操作上

  3. 卓越的质量是要通过设计及执行俱佳的制度及过程来实现

  4. 不断改进必须成为所有制度及过程的管理内容

  5. 缩短所有操作及程序所需的时间,是质量改进的一个重要构成部分

  6. 操作及决策必须以事实及数据为依据

  7. 所有员工都要接受适当的训练及全面参与质量管理有关活动

  8. 提高设计的质量及加强次废品的预防是质量管理系统的重要部分

  9. 公司必须对供应商清楚说明质量的要求,并与供应商携手合作去改善质量


  How do you engage patients and other customers by serving their needs and building relationships?

  1. Service Offerings and Patient and Other Customer Support:

  1) How do you determine HEALTH CARE SERVICE offerings? How do you

  l Determine PATIENT , other CUSTOMER, and market needs and requirements for  HEALTH CARE SERVICE offerings;

  l identify and adapt service offerings to meet the requirements and exceed the expectations of your PATIENT and other CUSTOMER groups and market SEGMENTS ; and

  l identify and adapt service offerings to enter new markets, to attract new  PATIENTS and other  CUSTOMERS , and to create opportunities to expand relationships with current PATIENTS and other CUSTOMERS , as appropriate?

  2) How do you enable PATIENTS and Other Customers to seek information and support? H OW do you enable them to obtain HEALTH CARE SERVICES from you? What are your  KEY means of PATIENT and other CUSTOMER support, including your KEY communication mechanisms? How do they vary for different PATIENT and other  CUSTOMER groups or market SEGMENTS ? How do you

  l determine your PATIENTS’ and other CUSTOMERS’ KEY support requirements and

  l DEPLOY these requirements to all people and PROCESSES involved in PATIENT and other  CUSTOMER support?

  3) How do you determine your PATIENT and Other Customer groups and market SEGMENTS?How do you

  l use information on PATIENTS , other CUSTOMERS, markets, and HEALTH CARE SERVICE offerings to identify current and anticipate future PATIENT and other CUSTOMER groups and market SEGMENTS ;

  l consider competitors’ PATIENTS and other CUSTOMERS, as well as other potential  PATIENTS , CUSTOMERS , and markets in this segmentation; and

  l determine which PATIENT and other CUSTOMER groups and market SEGMENTS to emphasize and pursue for business growth?

  2. PATIENT and Other Customer Relationship

  1) How do you build and manage relationships with PATIENTS and Other Customers?How do you market, build, and manage relationships with PATIENTS and other  CUSTOMERS to

  l acquire PATIENTS and other CUSTOMERS and build market share;

  l manage and enhance your brand image;

  l retain PATIENTS and other CUSTOMERS, meet their requirements, and exceed their expectations in each stage of their relationship with you; and

  l increase their ENGAGEMENT with you?

  How do you leverage social media to manage and enhance your brand, and to enhance  PATIENT and other CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT and PATIENTS’ and other CUSTOMERS’ relationships with your organization, as appropriate?

  2) How do you manage PATIENTS’ and Other Customers’ complaints? How do you resolve complaints promptly and EFFECTIVELY? How does your management of these complaints enable you to recover your PATIENTS’ and other CUSTOMERS’ confidence, enhance their satisfaction and ENGAGEMENT, and avoid similar complaints in the future?

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作者:苏南清 时间:2024-05-16 17:17:42 文章来源:转载



作者:苏南清 时间:2024-05-13 17:07:21 文章来源:转载



作者:贺华煜 时间:2024-05-11 09:46:19 文章来源:原创



作者:李钊 时间:2024-05-09 09:14:12 文章来源:首发



作者:蒋巍巍 时间:2024-04-22 10:06:03 文章来源:原创



作者:凌晓 时间:2024-04-09 17:32:17 文章来源:转载
